bg Bratislava

Weissfisch Family House

- Godrova 2 -
The construction of the three-story building, which was solely built for residential purposes, was completed in 1908. It was built according to the design that came from the hand of the architect Jozef Erdély and it was inhabited by the Weissfisch family. Among the members was Reitzi Weissfisch, maiden name Unreich, who was born in 1901, and her husband Lazar Weissfisch, who was born in 1890 and was a watchmaker by trade. Their wedding ceremony took place in a synagogue in , and from this marriage, two children were born, who were named Judita and Miriam, and possibly another daughter, named Felie. Reitzi, Lazar, Judita, and Miriam were all killed during the that took place during the .
Reitzi and Lazar Weissfisch
The top gables of the impressive building, which is built in the Neo-Gothic style, feature some . The top gables also feature several semi-, which can also be seen underneath the roof and several other places. Some of the top gables are placed on top of an , which are supported by . Above the second floor windows, you can admire some , and above the , you can also see a . A statue of a female figure holding a bouquet of flowers is placed in the that's located on the southern side of the building.
Judita and Miriam