bg Sofia

Sofia Synagogue

- Ekzarh Yosif Street 18 -
The religious building was built on the site of an old synagogue known by the Hebrew name “Ahava ve Chesed” (Love and Kindness). In the early 20th century, the Jewish community of Sofia collected donations and invited the Austrian architect to prepare a project for the synagogue. The construction of the synagogue in Sofia began on November 13, 1905. After four years of construction, financial crises, and community debates, the construction of the synagogue was finally completed in 1909. The opening took place in the presence of Tsar of Bulgaria, and his wife .
A postcard from the 1900s
Since its opening, religious services have been held there regularly, except in 1943 and 1944, when most of the Jews from Sofia were deported to the province. Between April 6, 1941, and April 17, 1944, during the , the Bulgarian capital of Sofia suffered a series of raids. On 13 April 1944, a bomb fell on the northeastern corner of the synagogue, but it did not explode. The corner sustained some damage and due to the vibrations caused by the bomb, the beautifully colored windows have been broken. During socialism in 1982, the Minister of Culture tried to transform the synagogue into a concert hall. The leaders of the synagogue showed courage and resisted, and the government complied with the refusal.

It is the largest synagogue in the Balkans and third in Europe, as well as the largest Sephardic Synagogue on the continent. The synagogue in Sofia can accommodate more than a thousand people. The men took their prayers in the central room, while the women took their prayers on the internal balconies.
An old postcard showing the beautiful interiour
The architectural style is essentially Moorish Revival, with elements of Art Nouveau, Byzantine and Venetian architecture. The interior is richly decorated with marble columns and multicolored Venetian mosaics, as well as decorative carvings. On top of the beautiful majestic central dome, you'll be able to see a lantern tower. Each of the thirteen domes is crowned with a that features a Star of David. Another Star of David can be seen on the protruded part that's located between the two onion domes, as well as in the circular parts of the stained glass windows. The , as well as the of the , are lavishly decorated with all sorts of floral ornamentation. The beautiful contrasting colors of the red bricks and the white sandstone is a typical feature that is used in the Byzantine architectural style.
The beautiful interior in 2022