bg Sarajevo

Hermina Rädisch Villa

- Petrakijina 11 -
The project for the construction of the two-story building was completed in August 1903 and was most likely created by the Austro-Hungarian architect . The construction was completed in 1904 and was built in collabartion with the Austro-Hungarian architect who created the ceramic floral fields with ceramics. This plot on which the building was built was bought in 1903 by Hermina Radisch, born Friedrich. In 1915, she sold the building to Hajim Finci, a merchant from Sarajevo who was born in 1866. Hajim was married to Rena Finci with whom he had a total of ten children, Matilda, Albert, David, Zimbula, Donka, Berta, Jonatan, Rifka, Haim, and Samuel. After the death of Hajim Finci on April 18, 1928, his descendants continued to live in the villa. His son Albert dies during the in , Switzerland, but Albert's son Kamhi continues to live in the villa. Albert was married to Regina Finci, maiden name Musafia, with whom, in addition to his son Kalmi, he also had a son whom they named Mojse Moshe. The building was owned by the Finci family until 1948 when it was nationalized with the exception of a few residential spaces that remain in the possession of the Finci family.
Albert Finci
The lovely building, which was built in the Art Nouveau style, is, in addition to the many alluring floral tiles, also richly decorated with and . The second floor features a pointed , which is embellished with an motif and two motif. Underneath the pointed part, you can admire the year of completion surrounded by floral ornamentation. On the first floor, there's a semi-circular bay window, which is topped with a balcony that's secured with beautifully decorated cast iron railing.
Regina, Kalmi, and Mojse Moshe Finci