bg Sarajevo

National Gallery

- Zelenih Beretki 8 -
The two-story building, which was built around 1912, was built with a commercial function that later changed to an educational function. It was built as a department store for the wealthy Jewish merchants Ješua and Mojca Salom, who most likely commissioned the design to the Austro-Hungarian architect . The building was re-purposed after the , and since 1953, it has been the home of the National Gallery of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was founded in 1949. The gallery has departments that work on documentation plus for restoration and carpentry, it houses a library, a goldsmith's workshop, a photo studio, and an archive, as well as a department that is involved in pedagogical work. During the and the , the building was heavily shelled and damaged. With the help of donors, the National Gallery succeeded in almost completely reconstructing its building once the war had ended.
The building can be seen in the lower right corner of an old postcard
The huge dome that's placed on top of the building, which is built in the styles of Neo-Renaissance and Neo-Classical, contains four dormers and is crowned with a . The attic is surrounded by a balustrade that's adorned with ornamental vases and , and interrupted by two top gables, which are either adorned with a , or a , a , and two . The underneath it is embellished with and an motif. The second floor windows are flanked by and columns, which are either crowned with a Corinthian or Doric . Above these same windows, in addition to a keystone, you can also see two that are either decorated with a garland wreath or a cartouche. Above one of these windows there is also a beautiful decorative shell containing another mascaron. Underneath the second floor windows, you can either see a , or a balcony that's supported by three , all of which contain the same balusters. Above the circle-top windows located on the first floor, you can see a double-layered keystone.