bg Sarajevo

Palace of Justice

- Obala Kulina Bana 7 -
The four-story building, which was built for governmental purposes, was built in two stages between 1912 and 1918. Most of the building was built until the beginning of the , with the exception of the northern part, which was completed in 1918. The project for the construction was most likely created by the architect Czech architect , as some types are identical to Paržik's previous projects for courthouses. In the period between the two world wars, the building housed the Supreme Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the District Court, and the District Court with a prison. During the second half of the 20th century, the building housed the Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo, which was founded and began operating on December 2, 1949, and the Faculty of Law in Sarajevo, which was founded in 1946.
An old colorized postcard that shows the building
On top of the Neo-Renaissance building, you can see a dome and loads of balustrades that contain and decorative vases. The building features two , one of which states the Roman numbers MCMXII and MCMXIV (1912, 1914), while the other states UNIVERSITAS STUDIORUM (Public University). Around the last mentioned epigraph, you can see four statues of female figures, which are placed on a pedestal. The building features many in different shapes and sizes, all of which are used to adorn a . In addition, the building also features many columns, some of which are used to support the central , but all of them are crowned with a Corinthian . Most of the third floor windows are topped with a straight , with the exception of the one that can be seen within the loggia, which is topped with a pointed one. The circle-top window, which is placed above the main entrance door, is flanked by two more statues of female figures and topped with a that contains a .
The building shown on the left in an old photo