bg Oradea

Ioan Poynár House

- Strada Nicolae Grigorescu 6 -
The construction of the four-story residential and commercial building, which was executed according to a design of the Hungarian architect , was completed in November 1907. The plans were approved by the town assembly in January 1907 and were designed to house residential premises on the two upper floors, a tailoring shop, a delicatessen, a stationery, and a bookstore on the other two floors. The estate commissioner, Ioan Poynár, was part of the city council and director of the Oradea Tobacco Warehouse from Oradea.
An old postcard that shows the building
The majestic that's placed on one of the corners of the building, which is built in the style of Art Nouveau, is covered with a bell-shaped dome that's crowned with a . The columns, which are placed underneath the dome, are all crowned with a Corinthian . The turret, as well as the surrounding , are all supported by multiple . The same applies to the roof overhang, the many window sills, and the balconies that are secured with a cast iron railing containing geometric and butterfly motifs. The large that's placed on the northern side, contains a raven with a ring in its mouth, surrounded by loads of text, including the year 1894. The top gables, which can be seen on both the north and east sides of the building, contain many floral ornaments in addition to a circular window.
Another old postcard that shows the building