bg Timisoara

Piarist High School

- Piața Regina Maria 1 -
The construction of the educational building, which was executed according to the design of Hungarian architect , started in 1908 and was completed in 1909. The building was inaugurated in 1909 and was built to house the Piarist High School, which was founded in 1790. The ensemble includes the high school, the house headquarters, a church chapel, and a boarding school. The teaching style was in the scholastic tradition, with no discussions during class, as in all Catholic high schools. From 1923, the language of instruction became Romanian, and after the , some faculties of the Timișoara Polytechnic School operated in this complex. The communist regime abolished the Piarist High School and the Piarist Monastic Order in Romania in 1948. Since 1992, the Gerhardinum Roman Catholic Theological High School has been operating in the building.
An old postcard that shows the northwestern part of the building
The mansard roof of the building, which is built in the Art Nouveau style, features a lantern tower, many , and several dormers, including eyelid dormers. The building contains several gables, of which the one on the northwest corner is the most striking. The roof that runs around the entire building is in its entirety decorated with . The protruding part around the main entrance is supported by several corbels, as well as several columns, which are crowned with floral . The round windows are beautifully decorated with windows. Underneath the third and second floor windows, you can see window sills adorned with dentils, or supported by corbels. The arched part that's placed above the circle-top windows on the first floor is lavishly embellished with a flora pattern.
An old postcard that shows the southwestern part of the building