bg Sofia

Racho Angelov House

- Knaz Boris I Street 73B -
The building was built for the Bulgarian doctor, officer, and politician of the Bulgarian Communist Party, Racho Angelov Genchev. He was born on June 2, 1873 in and graduated from the Aprilov High School, and in 1896 he studied medicine at the Imperial University "St. Vladimir" in . After returning to Bulgaria he worked as a district doctor in Borisovgrad and Harmanli. In 1898 he became a member of the Bulgarian Workers' Social Democratic Party, and after its split in 1903, he joined the group of narrow socialists, which later became the Bulgarian Communist Party.

In 1900, Racho Angelov became a military doctor and participated in the Balkan Wars and the , and in 1920 he resigned with the rank of Colonel. In 1925, as an active communist, after the on the church "Sveta Nedelya", he was briefly arrested and then interned in . In 1928 he returned to Sofia and continues to participate in various initiatives of the Bulgarian Communist Party, as one of its most famous supporters in society. After the , he headed the newly formed Ministry of Public Health in the second and third governments of and the first government of . From 1947 to 1954 he was a member of the Presidium of the National Assembly. Racho Angelov died on December 9, 1956, in Sofia.
Dr. Racho Angelov as student in Kiev in 1891
The blue building, which was built in Neo-Baroque style, is not extensively decorated but the decoration that's being used is beautifully executed. For instance the lovely floral underneath the on the third floor. As well as the lavishly decorated and floral ornamentation above the windows on the first floor. Also, the two supportive underneath the on the south side of the building are beautifully decorated. In some parts of the building, you can see that the technique of is used.
Dr. Racho Angelov standing in the middle surrounded by Nikola Harlakov and Dr. Petar Tsonchev in 1905