bg Belgrade

Đorđe Vuč House

- Karađorđeva 61 -
The three-story building, which was built to house commercial premises on the first floor and residential premises on the upper floors, was constructed in 1908. It was built according to a project that came from the hand of the Serbian architect, , for the Serbian merchant Đorđe Vuč.
The project of Dimitrije Leko
The Art Nouveau building features a lot of , on and to which many balconies have been placed, all of which are secured with a cast iron railing. Animals are used several times to decorate the building, including a lion head and two statues of an eagle. Many geometric and floral ornaments are also used, including palm leaves and garland wreaths. You can also admire a number of , as well as a , which is a decorative shell surrounded by . The two fragments that flank the main entrance door, are embellished with a , a , and the hat of the Greek god .
An old photo that shows the building