bg Belgrade

Leona Panayot House

- Francuska 31 -
The two-story building, which was built according to a design of the Serbian architect , was completed in 1908. The construction of the building, which housed the Royal Romanian Legation for some time, was commissioned by Leona-Lena Panayot, who later married Galtje or Galtre. Among the few testimonies about the house, the catalog of the 4th Yugoslav Exhibition in Belgrade in 1912 stands out, in which it can be seen that the house was designed by Petar Bajalović, who exhibited its photo and signed it.
An old photo that shows the building
On one of the corners of the Art Nouveau building you can see a square tower with a roof terrace on top of it, which is secured with a stone balustrade. A is placed underneath the balustrade, which is embellished with . The tower features an , which is supported by two , and is topped with a balcony. The oval window that's placed within the dormer is surrounded by floral ornamentation, including a . Above the circle of which the balcony door is part, you can admire a beautifully decorated . The balcony door leads to a little balcony that's supported by a massive corbel and secured with a cast iron railing. Many parts of the building, including the and the frame of the main entrance, are enriched with a lot of floral and geometric ornamentation.
The building is shown in an old photograph