bg Sofia

Dimitar Kostov House

- Alabin Street 34 -
The construction year of the administrative and commercial building can be seen on top of the corner, which is 1911. The building was designed by the Bulgarian architect for Dimitar Kostov, who was its original owner. It was originally intended as a hotel but was later adapted for administrative and commercial purposes. It housed the shoe shop and fashion center called Rodina, and from 1928 until 1947 it housed the Sofia Court of Appeal.
An old photo made somewhere in the 1970s
The five story Art Nouveau building contains multiple balconies in different shapes and sizes. All of them are secured by wrought iron railings, but only some of them are supported by . The corbels are beautifully decorated with a , , and floral ornamentation. Underneath the smallest balconies, you'll be able to admire five floral , which are different in size. Underneath the circular balcony, which is located above the main entrance door, a is placed with the initials D.K., which are the initials of the first owner Dimitar Kostov. The corbels underneath the two are designed in another way than the corbels underneath the balconies, they have a more geometric shape and are less decorated with floral ornamentation. Above most of the windows and in some of the you can admire a cartouche, which is surrounded by floral ornamentation.
The cartouche underneath the circular balcony with the initials D.K.