bg Sofia

Sabat Farhi House

- Alabin Street 38 -
The six story residential and commercial building was formerly known as the Sebat Farhi building and was owned by the millionaires, the Farhi brothers. It was built in 1913 by the great Bulgarian architect and miraculously survived the of the allied forces in the . The building served as a profitable building with several residential floors and shops on the first floor.
An old photo from the 1930s showing the building on the left during the construction of the courthouse
On the corner of the richly decorated building, which is built in the styles of Neo-Baroque and Art Nouveau, you can see a polyhedral dome with a pointed . On the attic floor, you can see four segmental , all supported by two . The two pilasters on the corner are crowned by Corinthian , while the other six with Doric capitals. Underneath it, there's a broken open pediment within the center of it a , which is surrounded by and floral ornamentation. In between the pediments you can see a that's decorated with garlands.

The building contains a total of four , three of which are round shaped and one square shaped. Each oriel window has a blacony on top of it with a stone balustrade that contains . The two balconies above the oriel windows on the north side of the building are connected with one large balcony. This balcony is supported by six huge and is secured with a cast iron railing. The corners of the oriel windows underneath this balcony are adorned with plastered cane branches, while all the other corners are adorned with . The round shaped oriel windows are supported by two corbels, while the square one contains a beautiful round shaped balcony that's supported by just one corbel. This same balcony can be seen on the north side of the building as well. Above this balcony, there's another balcony, which is square shaped and supported by two corbels.
An old photo of the building made somehere in the 1970s
In between the windows on the fourth floor, you can see some beautiful floral ornamentation consisting of ivy leaves. Above it, you can see a decorative strip of . Above and around the entrances on the north and east sides of the building, you can see some more floral ornamentation, dentils, and mascarons. The doors are secured with wrought iron barred windows containing and other floral ornamentation.
The beautiful decorations around one of the entrances