bg Sofia

Georgi Dobrinovich House

- Alabin Street 46 -
The residential and commercial building was built for the Bulgarian revolutionary, lawyer, politician, entrepreneur, and public figure Georgi Dobrinov Dobrinovich. The construction of the building started in 1906 and was completed in 1907, which can be read in the gable stone.

He was born in 1858, in the village of and he graduated from high school in in 1876. He took part in the as a guerrilla under the voivode , whose nephew he was. He participated in the as a volunteer and served under . After the war, he became governor of and in 1884 he graduated in law in Russia. He was a commander of a detachment in the defense of the city of Vidin in 1885 during the . He is engaged in private lending and in this way he accumulates serious wealth.

On January 23, 1915, in the late afternoon, Georgi Dobrinovich returned to his home at Alabin Street 36, where he reviews the daily press and sits down for dinner. At that moment the doorbell rings. He has no appointment and is surprised to see who is looking for him. Without turning on the light, he goes out into the corridor and opens the front door. Unexpectedly, several revolver shots were fired in the dark, and the attackers shouted, "You must be removed". The lawyer's wife, Evgenia, heard the shooting and shouted for help. She finds him lying on the floor, moaning in pain, holding on to his stomach. Neighbors came down from the upper floor of the building to help and took him to the nearby hospital. In the following days, the lawyer underwent surgery, his health gradually improved and his life was out of danger.
Georgi Dobrinov Dobrinovich
The building, which is built in the styles of Neo-Baroque and Neo-Classical, contains a balcony in the part of the building. The balcony is supported by four and is secured with a stone balustrade, which contains . A large amount of richly decorated can be seen between the first and the second floor. Almost all of the fragments underneath the windows contain a rectangle, which is interrupted in its center by a . The that stretch all the way from the the second to the third floor are crowned with an Ionic . The corbel-like underneath the roof , either have a square form with a protruded circular form or two in between them.
The gable stone showing the construction date and the name Georgi Dobrinovich and his profession lawyer