bg Kyustendil

Migeva House

- Bulevard Bulgaria 15 -
The two-story building, which had many functions over the years, including a residential, administrative, and commercial function, was built somewhere at the beginning of the 20th century. During the , the building housed the military-political department in Kyustendil. The Bulgarian artist Poppetrov gave drawing lessons in the Migeva House to the people who became the second generation of Bulgarian artists.
The building in 1917
The most striking part of the building, which is built in the Art Nouveau style, is the octagonal covered with a dome. Most parts of the roof overhang are supported by a lot of wooden , which is only not the case with the roof overhang seen above the two top gables. A segmental can be seen above some of the second floor windows, while above some of the other windows, you'll be able to see two . Underneath some of the windows, you can see an , which like other parts, is adorned with geometric forms.
An old postcard that shows the building in the distance