bg Sofia

Hentovi Building

- Pirotska Street 4 -
The administrative and commercial building was built in 1906 and was constructed by a project of the Bulgarian architect . The building is located on a bustling shopping street in the city center, though not in its most presentable part. Its five stories made it quite monumental for Sofia in the early 20th century and also one of the few big Art Nouveau buildings.
An old photo of the building made somewhere in the 1970s
The building contains a total of six balconies, all beautifully decorated with reliefs and geometric forms. The balconies are secured with stone balustrades and each balustrade contains a large amount of column shaped . The two that are supporting the balconies are adorned with , , and foliage.

All the windows are flanked by that are crowned with a Doric . Each of the pilasters is decorated with reliefs, floral ornaments, and mascarons. Above each of the capitals, you'll be able to admire a . On the corner, between two of the cartouches, you can see a plaque with the inscription Д. ИХР. Г. Хентови (D. IHR. G. Hentovi) and the construction year 1906. The on the second and third floors are adorned with geometric forms and reliefs, while the ones on the fourth floor are adorned with a and . The same relief lines can be seen in the , which are located underneath the roof .
The plaque containing the inscription Д. ИХР. Г. Хентови and the construction year 1906