bg Sofia

Stavri Lazarov House

- Pirotska Street 15 -
The residential and commercial building was built in 1911 as a home for Stavri Ivanov Lazarov. He was a builder by profession and built this building as an income building and for his own family to live in. It's one of the many buildings that were built on this street at the beginning of the 20th century. The first floor was used for commercial purposes and housed a store that sold fabrics.
An old photo of the building somewhere in the 1970s
The main features of this Art Nouveau building are the semi-hexagonal and the three balconies to the left of it. The two that support each of the balconies are decorated with , and foliage. The wrought iron railings that secures the balconies are decorated with geometric forms. Underneath the oriel window, you'll be able to admire an impressive looking . On the front side of the oriel window, you can see three different kinds of cartouches, one of which contains the construction year 1911, the other the inscription И.С. (I.S.) and another a decorative shell. The right side of the oriel windows contains two , as well as one on the bottom of a balcony. On top of the oriel window, you can see another balcony, and on top of the door that leads to the balcony another cartouche. On both sides of the top gable, you can see a decorative vase.
The green man, one of the cartouches including the construction year and one of the rosettes