bg Brasov

Tache Stănescu House

- Strada Castelului 50 -
The building was built in 1873 with a total of three floors to solely house a residential function. The design came from the hand of the local architect by an order of the local wool and cloth merchant Tache Stănescu. He built this building as a winter residence, and his summer residence was in . Tache was married to Hareti Stănescu, who was born Bureția in 1842, with whom he had twelve children, who were named Hareti, Hella, Jeni, Paula, and Sofia. At the end of the 19th century, Tache financially supported the development of the park in the Băile Tușnad resort, to which the local authorities gave it the name Stănescu Park. During the , Hareti Stănescu took care of collecting funds, clothes, and sanitary materials like bandages for the Romanian army, making, in turn, donations.
Hareti Stănescu and five of her daughters
After the , the business of the merchant Tache Stanescu dropped drastically. Reaching the brink of bankruptcy, he sells the building to Petre Popovici, the brother of the minister . Petre Popovici transforms the building into the Continental Hotel. After 1944, the building turned into a place of detention for political convicts. Since 1950, the building has been transformed into social housing.
The building when in use as the Continental Hotel
Underneath the roof of the Eclectic building, you can alternately see , as well as . The part between these corbels and the , which are located on the second floor, are embellished with . The windows and the , the latter of which contain some female figures, are topped with a that's adorned with foliage. The that are located on this floor are crowned with a Composite , while the ones located on the second floor are crowned with an Ionic one. Above the second floor windows, one of which is flanked by , a pointed can be seen. The balcony, which is supported by three corbels, as well as the , are all incorporated with . The keystones that were placed above the first floor windows are embellished with a statue of a .
An old postcard that shows the building