bg Salonta

Salonta City Hall

- Strada Republicii 1 -
The two-story administrative building, which was built on the plot where the house of the Fónagy family used to stand, was constructed in the period that lasted from 1906 until 1907. In 1905, an announcement appeared in the local newspaper for the organization of the competition for the construction of a building to house the city hall. The first prize was won by the Hungarian architect , who was born in Nagyszalonta, nowadays Salonta, and whose father was a master mason. The second place went to the Hungarian architect and the third place went to the Hungarian architect . On September 26, 1907, the first festive meeting was held and the two commissioned paintings were unveiled.
The building is shown in an old postcard
A tower towers above the building, which is built in the styles of Art Nouveau and Neo-Gothic, and is crowned with a featuring a . On top of some of the top gables, you can see a globe, one of which is topped with a statue of an eagle. Some of the top gables are supported by and adorned with floral ornamentations and geometric forms. The mushroom-shaped window features a and an adorned with six . A statue of a lion holding a coat of arms is placed on top of each of the . Above the circle-top windows that are located, you can admire an ornament, which is embellished with floral ornamentation. The same counts for the fragments that are located between the second and first floor windows. Underneath some of the second floor windows, you can see a with incorporated , and in one case a balcony supported by two .
An old postcard that shows the building