bg Brasov

Nicolae Garoiu Palace

- Strada Mureșenilor 17 -
The three-story building, which was built with commercial premises on the first floor and residential premises on the upper two floors, was erected in 1898. The construction, which was executed according to a project that was created by the local architect and engineer , was commissioned by the Brașov lawyer, Doctor Nicolae Garoiu, who was born in 1844. The building was built on the site of an older building that belonged to the merchant Albert Gyertyänffy.
The building that belonged to Albert Gyertyänffy show on the left
Nicolae Garoiu, who passed away in 1938, was the second leading representative of the Romanians, after , at the meeting of the National Council of the County, which took place in the premises of the Prefecture on November 1, 1918. The men's and children's clothing store owned by Neumann, an old company founded in 1845, operated on the ground floor of the building. Since 1940 the house became the property of the Communist Romanian Republic and it was poorly tended. After the Romanian of 1989, it became private property, owned by multiple people.
The men's and children's clothing store owned by Neumann shown in an old postcard
On top of the building, which is built in the styles of Eclectic and Neo-Renaissance, you can see three , as well as . The two dormers, which are placed within the scaly sheet metal mansard roof, are embellished with and topped with a segmental . The central part that also features these ornaments, is additionally ornamented with a head of a and a lavishly decorated that contains the initials of the former owner. The underneath it, which is supported by several , is adorned with , foliage, and an motif. The pediments that are placed above the third and second floor windows are all adorned with a motif, and some of them with a and others with a . These windows are flanked by and columns, of which the latter is crowned with a Corinthian . A beautifully decorated spectacle is placed underneath the third floor windows, while underneath the second floor windows, you can see a containing five . In addition to all these beautiful ornamentations, the building is also adorned with , , floral decorations including , and decorative bands.
The building is shown in an old postcard