bg Brasov

Coroana Hotel

- Strada Republicii 62 -
The three-story building, which was built with a residential and commercial function, was constructed in two stages between 1910 and 1926. Following a competition, the Austrian architects and , who were inspired by the characteristic architecture of the city of , were appointed by the municipality to design the new hotel building that was wanted to be representative of the city of Brașov. Tourists arriving from the station were picked up by carriage, market car, or the hotel's omnibus, which ran city-station routes both day and night. In addition to ordinary tourists, famous writers or painters who came to spend a few months of vacation in Brașov were drawn to Coroana.
An old postcard that shows the building
The Coroana Hotel restaurant was considered the most luxurious restaurant in Brașov until 1939 when the Aro Palace Hotel restaurant appeared and took its place in the hierarchy. Also, the cafe and terrace of the Coroana Hotel were also famous in the era. In 1927, in order to respond to the growing demand for accommodation in Brașov, the hotel was expanded with a new building on the eastern side. After the , during the communist period, the name of the hotel Coroana was changed to Postăvarul, and in 1990, after the of 1989, the hotel gained back its old name Coroana.
The interior of the cafe
The corner building, which is built in the styles of Art Nouveau and Neo-Baroque, is determined by several large and small dormers. The building is lavishly decorated with all sorts of geometric forms, including diamond shapes, stars, squares, rectangles, including . In addition to all these shapes, the building also features many and other circular shapes. On the western side of the building, you can see four round-shaped , which are topped with a . The porches on both the western and northern sides of the building are supported by two massive columns.
The terrace