bg Brasov

Kronstadter Allgemeine Sparkasse Bank

- Strada Mureșenilor 1 -
The two-story administrative and commercial building, which was built on the plot of the wealthy Saxon patrician Brenenberg and Closius families, was erected in 1900. The building was built as the headquarters of the Kronstadter Allgemeine Sparkasse Bank, which was founded in 1835 by . The preparations for the founding of the savings bank took seven long years. When Peter returned to his hometown from , he also founded, among other things, the Kronstadt Trade Association, and the Kronstadt General Pension Institution. The founding members of the savings bank included various wealthy citizens of Kronstadt as well as the magistrate of the city of Kronstadt. After the end of the , a new era was ushered in by the Romanian communists' seizure of power, which resulted in the tragic downfall and liquidation of the bank. In 1927, the building was bought by the Kamner & Jekelius Company, which moved into the building in 1929.
An old photo shows the houses of the Brenenberg and Closius families
On top of the part of the Neo-Renaissance building, you can see a , which is part of the roof . The avant-corps part, which features a that contains a perdicting the Greek god , is flanked by several that are crowned with a Corinthian . Above some of the second floor windows, which are flanked by pilasters that are crowned with a Doric capital, you can admire a pointed and a adorned with foliage. In addition, there are several and embellished with , which can also be admired above the main entrance. The that are placed underneath the second floor windows are incorporated with either five or six .
The building is shown in an old photo