bg Belgrade

Jovan Smederevac House

- Nušićeva 27 -
The two-story building with commercial premises on the first floor and residential premises on the second floor was built in 1901. The building was constructed for the Serbian engineer and entrepreneur Jovan Smederevac according to his own design. He was educated in , he belongs to the generation of builders who contributed to the Europeanization of the Serbian capital at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. One of his first ventures after returning to Belgrade was work on the construction of the Belgrade- railway, as well as the complete -Niš railway. In 1895, he was engaged in the construction of the barracks of the VII Regiment according to the plans of the architect .
Jovan Smederevac
The first floor of the building housed several shops, and one of which was used as a pharmacy. The building was severly damaged during the attack on Belgrade in 1914, which started the , and the German occupation of the city in the fall of 1915. Before the , the pharmacy was run by the Jew Jean Mandillo. During the war, he left Belgrade to appear in Sarajevo after the war as a lieutenant colonel. He changed his last name to Mandilović, and later he moved to Israel.
The building after the attack on Belgrade in 1914
The domes that are placed on top of the building, which is built in the Art Nouveau style, contain several dormers and are topped with . The protruded parts are either decorated with geometric forms, or a garland wreath that features the year of construction. The that are placed underneath the , which separates the attic from the rest of the building, are embellished with foliage. Some parts of the frieze are decorated with floral ornamentation.
The interior of the pharmacy
The geometric ornaments that are placed above some of the second floor windows, as well as the garland wreaths that are placed on the , are surrounded by laurel twigs. Above the other second floor windows, you can admire surrounded by playful lines. A lavishly ornamented decorative vase is placed between these same windows. Above it, you can see an that's adorned with . The same counts for some aprons that are placed underneath these same windows, although they're also adorned with garlands.
The building shown in an old photo