bg Sofia

Kalpakchiev Building

- Hristo Botev Street 101 -
The residential and commercial building, which was built in 1918, was built for the former owner Kalpakchiev, who was also the owner of the former Balkan cinema, nowadays the Youth Theatre Nikolay Binev. It was built as an income building that contained shops and a pharmacy, which was owned by Kazimir Yantsi. It rises on the corner of Hristo Botev Boulevard and Tsar Simeon Street and was probably designed by the same architects as the School of Economics, which are the Bulgarian architects and .
An old photo created in 1941 showing the building
The beautiful Neo-Baroque building contains two that stretch from the second all the way up to the third floor. One of them is located on the north side and the other one on the east side. On top of each oriel window, there's a balcony, which is secured with a cast iron railing.

The underneath the windows on the first floor are embellished with and six . Between the second and the third floor you can see two different sized frames decorated with an motif. A was placed on top of each vertical column of stone blocks. Above these cartouches, you'll be able to see two that support the roof above it.
The building in 1970s