bg Targu Mures

Vámos House

- Piața Trandafirilor 18 -
The construction of the two-story building, which was built for administrative and commercial purposes, was completed in 1910. It was built on the plot that was sold by the Bissingen family to the city at the beginning of the 20th century. In the 16th century, the mansion of the Rosnyay and then the Szabó family stood on this site. The current building was built by a project of the Hungarian architect Béla Keleti for the city to house the Customs office. The printing house and paper and book store of Mór Hirsch operated on the first floor of the building. A duplicate of the building stands in the Open-Air Ethnographic Museum in .
The building shown on the right just after its completion
The roof of the symmetrical building, built in the style of Art Nouveau, features a lovely zigzag pattern. The building is decorated with all sorts of geometric forms, as well as floral decorations, including . The window sills of the second floor windows, as well as certain parts of the window frames, are embellished with .
The duplicate building in Szentendre