bg Sofia

Baruch Musholam House

- Hristo Botev Street 95 -
The residential and commercial building was built in 1912 for the local merchant Baruch Musholam as an income building. Subsequently, the shop on the first floor was turned into a restaurant. Before the restoration in 2015, the first floor and the mezzanine are used as offices and shops. From the 1970s to 2015, the original aesthetics of the two floors were almost erased. During the restoration, an extra attic floor was added.
The building in the 1970s without the extra attic floor
The symmetrical Neo-Baroque building contains an in the center of it. On top of this oriel window, there's a balcony, as well as two on each side of the same oriel window. They're all secured with a beautifully decorated cast iron railing. The underneath the windows on the second floor are decorated with a , as well as six . The two frames that can be seen between the second and third floors are adorned with a motif. The , that can be seen just underneath the roof are embellished with a and garlands. Above the cartouches, two are placed that support the roof cornice above them. Above the windows, on the third floor, you can see a beautiful ornament that's decorated with . Above the oriel window, you'll see a gable that's adorned with garlands, , and on top of it a globe.
The beautiful gable