bg Targu Mures

Makariás Walles House

- Strada Revoluției 45 -
The one-story residential building was built in 1750 by János Makariás Walles, born in 1718, and his wife Anna-Maria Zeidler, who settled in Marosvásárhely, nowadays Târgu Mureș, in the middle of the 18th century. Later on, it was inherited by their son János Makariás Walles, who was a wealthy merchant and, moreover, he was the auctioneer of the right to brew beer. On July 11, 1773, the city designated this building as the residence of Emperor during his tour of Transylvania. In 1813, the house was owned by József Teleki, and after 1850 by József Engel, a doctor who was born in Vienna on May 2, 1807. He was the son of historian and the father of doctor . József Engel learned Hungarian in and then studied at the University of . Afterward, he moved to Marosvásárhely where he entered a relative's pharmacy as an intern, and obtained his internship in three years. In 1829, he obtained a diploma in medicine master, in the years between 1830 and 1836, he graduated in medicine at the University of Budapest. He returned to Marosvásárhely, where he worked until 1857, then in , he became a famous doctor. He was also interested in mineralogy, chemistry, and especially Hungarian linguistics. József Engel died on June 2, 1870, in Cluj.

In 1864, the Reformed Parish bought the building and used it as a school building, and then the dormitory of the Bethlen Kata Reformed Girls' High School was arranged here. In 1896, it got its current look, which was executed by a design of the architect Adolf Flesch, and executed by the master builder Pál Soós. In 1948, the communists came to power and nationalized the building and divided it into small apartments. After the regime change, the property was returned to the church.
József Engel shown in a painting created by Miklós Barabás in 1840
The part of the roof that's on top of the part of the Neo-Baroque building is topped with . The , which are placed underneath the that separates the attic from the rest of the building, are decorated with and some with a garland wreath. The , which are placed on the facade of the avant-corps part of the building, are crowned with a Corinthian . Above the windows and carriage gate, you can see different kinds of , some of which are supported by corbels that are adorned with volutes and foliage. Above some of these windows, you can either see a or a , and underneath these windows, you can either see a fragment embellished with volutes, or an embellished with a cartouche and .
József Engel in 1860