bg Targu Mures

Natural Sciences Museum

- Strada Horea 24 -
The construction works of the two-story building, which was built with an educational function, started in 1890 and was completed in 1893 and the opening ceremony was held on July 1 that same year. The design for the construction was given to the Hungarian architect and the construction was carried out under the supervision of Hungarian engineer József Sófalvi and the Hungarian master builder Pál Soós. The first discussions on the subject of establishing a museum institution were held in 1874 at a meeting of the Szekler Cultural Association, but the idea only materialized in 1885. The construction works were mainly financed by public donations, among the donors were and who donated six thousand forints each. After the Romanian takeover, it was neglected, and its collection was not expanded. At the end of the Second World War, the collection was destroyed and scattered, the few salvaged pieces went to the Museum of Ethnography and the History Museum of . After the war, the nearby school and then the Industrial Lyceum moved into the vacant building, and it was not until 1957 that the Museum of Natural History was moved here.
The building around 1900
The that's placed on top of the building, which is built in the styles of Neo-Classical and Neo-Renaissance, contains a wonderful sculptural composition, which was created by the Hungarian sculptor . The central figure represents , who sits on a throne surrounded on both sides by the allegorical figures of Hungary and Transylvania. The tympanum is also decorated with that also appear under the roof , which in some cases are decorated with foliage. An motif is placed underneath some of the other cornices. The part of the building is lavishly decorated with that are crowned with a Corinthian , , as well as . A with nine incorporated is placed underneath the three circle-top, which are topped with a adorned with acanthus foliage. The statues that are placed in the two symbolize sewing and weaving. Each of the niches is topped with a pointed and has two supportive underneath them that are embellished with and .
The building shown in an old postcard from 1903