bg Targu Mures

György Bernády House

- Strada Revoluției 31 -
The construction of the residential building, which has a total of two floors, took place between 1912 and 1913. The building was designed by the Hungarian architect and built for Mayor György Bernády, who lived there from its completion until his death on October 22, 1938. He was born on April 10, 1864, in , in the noble family of the pharmacist Dániel Bernády and Jeanette Máthé. György passed the baccalaureate exam at the Reformed College in Marosvásárhely, nowadays Târgu Mureș, and continued his studies in , where he became a doctor of pharmacy. He served two terms as mayor of the city of Marosvásárhely, which lasted from 1900 until 1912 and from 1926 until 1929. He is credited with the creation of the modern city center of Marosvásárhely and its supply of electricity and water. He's also credited for the reorganization of the public administration, and the creation of a network of institutions, public buildings, schools, factories, the City Hall, and the Public Culture Palace, which have become symbols of the city. In 1911, he went on a business trip to the United States of America due to the discovery of natural gas fields in Transylvania.
György Bernády
Doctor György Bernády married Rozália Hegedűs, a Roman Catholic, on October 16, 1886, according to a Reformed church ceremony. This first marriage lasted nearly four years and was dissolved on July 19, 1890, with the permission of the bishop. Barely a week after the dissolution of his first marriage, on July 26, Bernády married the Reformed actress Erzsébet Madarász from Budapest, with whom he lived together for 24 years. His next wife was a rich, well-educated woman of Austrian origin, the widow of the mayor of Budapest, . Their marriage lasted a very short time, a year and a half. In 1916, he married Margit Kelemen, who remained his companion until the end of his life. In his second marriage, they adopted a little girl, who became a teacher under the name Margit Bernády. His only sweet child, Györgyike, born in 1919, died at the age of 17. Bernády barely survived her daughter, she died in Marosvásárhely on October 22, 1938.
György Bernády and his daughter Györgyike
The pyramid hip roof on top of the alluring Eclectic building, which is embellished with ornaments that are decorated with and garlands, is covered with red roof tiles and crowned with a . The that separates the attic from the rest of the building, is supported by several , which are mainly adorned with circular forms and garlands. A , which gets interrupted by a shield-shaped ornament that's adorned with volutes, is attached to two of the corbels. A is placed above the second floor windows, which are flanked by that are either adorned with a garland or crowned with an Ionic . Underneath these windows, you can either see a small balcony supported by two corbels and secured with a wrought iron railing or an impressive . The on the first floor is also flanked by pilasters, which are crowned with an Ionic capital.
György Bernády during his business trip to the United States of America