bg Targu Mures

Kárnász Family House

- Strada Trébely 1 -
The construction of the one-story building, which was solely built for residential purposes, was completed somewhere at the beginning of the 20th century. The building was built by the Kárnász family, and later on, it was rented by Aurék Hofbauer, the chief city engineer. In June 1911, he received a letter from Mayor during his trip to the United States, from which he wrote to request that the Palace of Culture be three stories instead of the planned two stories.
An old postcard from 1912 in which the building is visible
The most eye-catching feature of the building, which is built in the style of Art Nouveau and beautifully built up with bricks and stones, some of which are decorated with , is the impressive on top of the corner. Part of the spire is the lantern tower, which is topped with a that features a . The wooden structure contains that support the roof overhang and the spire above them. The top gable of the part on the western side is topped with a . This part also contains a that's secured with a balustrade with incorporated .
The building shown in an old postcard from 1913