bg Targu Mures

Lajos Csiszár House

- Strada Gheorghe Doja 28 -
The two-story building, which was constructed somewhere at the beginning of the 20th century, was built for the residential needs of the Romanian-Hungarian architect and publicist Lajos Csiszár according to his own design. He was born on February 5, 1876, in Marosvásárhely, nowadays Târgu Mureș, and finished high school in his hometown, and the higher industrial school in , where he obtained a construction master's qualification. In , he studied as a scholarship holder in the construction class of the National College of Fine Arts. When he returned to Marosvásárhely, he designed several buildings, and in the years between 1906 and 1908 he was editor-in-chief of the newspaper called Székely Iparos. Lajos Csiszár died on October 20, 1963, in Târgu Mureș at the age of 87.
Lajos Csiszár on the right standing next to Zoltán Csiszár
The of the Art Nouveau building is covered with a majestic . The surrounding gables and dormers are all crowned with a , and one part of the roof is crowned with . The gables, as well as the eaves and the wooden triangular-shaped , are supported by wooden . The building is lavishly decorated with all sorts of geometric and floral decorations, including and . A is placed above some of the windows that are located on the second floor, which in this case are supported with stone corbels. In one gable you can see several unusually shaped windows, while in the other gable, you can admire a beautiful admirable . On the southeastern side of the building, you can see a , which is partly supported by columns and that are crowned with a Corinthian .