bg Chisinau

Nicolai Semigradov House

- Strada București 66 -
The two-story building, which was built for residential purposes, was erected between 1873 and 1875. It's assumed that the building was constructed according to a project of the Russian architect , or the architect Serotzinski. The order for the construction of the building was given by the reserve captain, later the effective state councilor, Nicolai Ivanovici Semigradov, who bought the plot on which it was built in 1872 from the archpriest Vasile Vasilievichi Puriškevici. The building was inherited by Nicolai Semigradov's son Dmitri Nicolaevici Semigradov, who was born on September 21, 1869. He took his secondary education at the first gymnasium in Chișinău and his higher education at the University of at the Faculty of Law. After leaving university in 1892, he settled on his estate and devoted himself to agriculture. In the same year, he entered the office of the Bessarabian provincial leader of the nobility. In 1905, after his service in the army, he devoted himself to social activities. In 1906 he was elected chairman of the provincial zemstva council in the governorate, a position he held for three years. On September 20, 1909, he was elected a member of the State Council from the Zemstva of Bessarabia to replace the deceased . In 1913 he became a member of the Russian Assembly and in 1932 he passed away.
Dmitri Nicolaevici Semigradov
Between the and the , the building had an administrative and commercial function and functioned as the headquarters for the Bank of Bessarabia. In the post-war period, it was used as a residential house with eight apartments, the surface of the land being reduced to the territory occupied by the house and the garden. Later on, the building was given a new purpose and became the headquarters of the Romanian Embassy in Chișinău.
The building is shown in an old photo
The most distinctive feature of the Eclectic building is the octagonal with a little roof terrace on top of it that's secured with a stone balustrade that contains . The dormer that can be seen at the same height as the roof terrace is topped with a segmental . Several more pediments are placed above some of the second floor windows, of which the segmental one is adorned with a that contains the initials of the Bank of Bessarabia. The that can be seen underneath the other pediments is decorated with an ornament decorated with, among other things, . A balcony covered the main entrance, which is supported by two columns and two . The pilasters that flank the balcony door that leads to this balcony are each crowned with an Ionic . The pilasters that are placed on the turret on the other hand are crowned with a Doric capital.
Another old photo that shows the building