bg Graz

Graz Town Hall

- Hauptplatz 1 -
The current four-story administrative building was built in 1887 according to the design of the Austrian architects and . Before the construction, three previous town halls were built, one of which was built in 1450. This building soon became too small and a new town hall had to be built, which was built in 1550 on the plot where the current town hall is located. In the period that lasted from 1805 until 1807, a new town hall was built according to the plans of the architect Christoph Stadler, which was expanded in 1869. The construction of the current building started in 1887 and incorporated certain parts of the previous building. The surrounding buildings were purchased for further expansion.
The town hall that was built in 1550
Incidentally, several adjacent buildings had been purchased for the expansion, but since the owners of the houses on the Herrengasse resisted the necessary demolition, the planned block construction remained unfinished. This fact becomes clear when you look at the inner courtyard where the remaining houses are pushed far into the depths of the town hall area and disrupt the overall concept of the building. The south wing of the building is dated 1889 and the main wing is dated 1893. In 1922 the facade design on the upper two floors was simplified; In 1957, the previously rich sculptural figure program, designed by the artists , , Rudolf Vital, , and , was largely removed.
The building built according Christoph Stadler's plan shown in an steel engraving from 1843
The imposing Neo-Renaissance building is defined by several bell-shaped domes that contain a lantern tower, as well as certain dormers, top gables, and a spire, all of which are crowned by a to which a is attached. The spire is placed on top of a under which there are several and a surrounded by two . Under the many , you can admire and , some of which are decorated with and others with floral decorations. On the fourth floor, you can see many , in many cases alternated with a , and many of the windows on the third floor are topped with a pointed . A lion head has been used as decoration a lot, which in some cases is used to decorate the , but there has also been extensive use of floral decorations, including foliage, which can be seen in the , among other things.
The current building during its construction
Around the building, you can still see ornamentation consisting of cartouches, , , and . There are also many and columns around the building, which are either crowned with an Ionic or a Corinthian . In addition, there are many statues that decorate the building, including the statue that stands on top of the top gable, which also contains the city's coat of arms. The four statues that can be admired above the main entrance, predict the major allegories of art, science, commerce, and industry. There are also a number of statues on the west side of the building, some of which are in a niche, and two others, dressed in armor, stand on top of a column.
The current building is shown in an old postcard