bg Graz

Hainrichspergisches House

- Herrengasse 11 -
The three-story building, built with a residential and commercial function, was originally built in the 16th century. The building gained its current appearance around 1767 after the complete conversion of the building, which was probably done by the Austrian master builder .
The building shown in an old postcard
On the corner of the Rococo building, there's a sandstone figure of with the Child from the late 17th century that's covered by an . In addition to some , the roof of the building also contains a number of dormers decorated with . The , which are placed above the third and second floor windows and supported by two , are also adorned with volutes and also some floral decorations. Above the main entrance door, which is flanked by four crowned with an Ionic , you can see another pediment adorned with volutes and supported by corbels.
Another postcard that shows the building