bg Sofia

Spas Georgiev House

- Sofroniy Vrachanski Street 25 -
The residential and commercial building was built for Lieutenant General Spas Georgiev, who was born on April 18, 1858, in Sofia. He graduated from the Military School on May 10, 1879, and during the , he was a company commander. He took part in the , where he led part of the Seventh Rila Division, which liberated Gorna Dzhumaya, nowadays , from the Ottoman occupation. He was the first senior officer to enter , even before the Greek troops. After the war, he was promoted to lieutenant general and awarded the Cross of Bravery. Spas Georgiev died in 1916 in Sofia at the age of 58.
Spas Georgiev
The two striking features of the Neo-Baroque building that attracts attention are the and the two . The turret is located on the northeast corner of the building and is crowned with a tower-like hip roof. A balcony is placed on top of the oriel windows, which are secured with a wrought iron railing. Above the balcony doors, you'll be able to see a , which is surrounded by foliage. On the northern side of the building, you'll see two more balconies, which are placed between one of the oriel windows and the turret. Another, but in this case, a smaller balcony is located on the east side of the building.

The above the windows on the third floor are decorated with . The frames within the fragments underneath these same windows are also decorated with volutes, as well as garlands. You can see even more garlands on both sides of the window frames, as well as around the cartouche, which is placed on one of the oriel windows.
Spas Georgiev in Gorna Dzhumaya