bg Borovets

Villa Dimitar Tonchev

- Borovets -
The two-story building, which was constructed in 1905, was built for the residential needs of the Bulgarian Bulgarian lawyer and politician Dimitar Stoyanov Tonchev. He was born on November 7, 1859, in and graduated in law at the Novorossiysk University in . After his return to Bulgaria, he was a judge in and from 1884 he was a lawyer, and in 1885 he moved to . He was a supporter of the Liberal Party, and from 1884 to 1886, he was vice-president of the fourth Ordinary National Assembly. After the coup of against Prince Battenberg, he became part of the movement headed by Stefan Stambolov, which began to be called the People's Liberal Party. In 1900, he became a full member of the , today the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. In 1903, he was sentenced to eight months in prison for abuse by the State Court together with other ministers from 's cabinet. He was amnestied by the National Assembly after the fall of the progressive government in May of the same year.
Dimitar Stoyanov Tonchev
In 1904, Dimitar Tonchev formed his own political formation, called the Young Liberal Party, of which he was the leader until it merged into the National Liberal Party in 1920. Together with and , he was the leader of one of the three parties in the liberal coalition that ruled during the . On November 4, 1919, he was arrested, after which he was sentenced by the Third State Court to life imprisonment as one of the main culprits for the inclusion of Bulgaria in the war on the losing side and for the subsequent Second National Catastrophe. He was in prison until 1924 when he was amnestied. Released, he tried to join the activities of the National Liberal Party, but this was not allowed by its leaders, who tried to distinguish themselves from the old compromised leaders of the Liberal parties. In the following years, Tonchev withdrew from active political activity and wrote an eight-volume commentary on the Law on Obligations and Contracts. Dimitar Tonchev died, at the age of 77, on February 20, 1937, in Sofia.
The building shown in an old postcard
The lovely chalet and alpine styled villa feature a crowned with a , which is placed on top of the . The wooden balcony that's attached to the turret is secured with a wooden railing and supported by two simplified . Several more wooden corbels are used to support the protruded part of the facade that's built in the Tudor style. A is placed on the eastern side of the building, and on the western side a terrace, which is covered with a large .
Another old postcard that shows the building