bg Borovets

Villa Petko Teodorov

- Borovets -
The two-story villa, which was constructed somewhere between 1910 and 1915, was built as a summer residence of the Bulgarian mining engineer and politician Petko Ivanov Teodorov. He was born on March 5, 1869, in , as the younger brother of the politician, leader of the People's Party, and Prime Minister of Bulgaria, . Petko studied in his hometown and then went to Russia, where he graduated with honors from the Nikolaev High School. After that, he entered the Mining Academy in , and in 1892 he graduated with the title of engineer first class. After his return to Bulgaria, he began his career as the director of the State Mine , which was opened in 1891. He also took part in the study of the Danube quays. After that, he left the civil service and began to explore the native mineral wealth. He managed to find deposits of coal, lead, zinc, iron, manganese, and copper ores in different regions of the country. Over the years, he was elected chairman of the Bulgarian Engineering and Architecture Society. In 1914, he bought the house of the Bulgarian architect in . Between February 12, 1914, and March 18, 1915, he was mayor of Sofia. Petko Ivanov Teodorov died in 1938, in Sofia, at the age of 69.
Petko Ivanov Teodorov
The impressive semi-octagonal , which features a wooden , is covered with a . The eaves around the entire building are supported by loads of wooden . On the southwestern corner of the building, there's a wooden with on top of it a .
Passport of Petko Teodorov with photo of his family