bg Murska Sobota

Southern Vas District Savings Bank

- Slovenska Ulica 41 -
The corner building, which was built in 1907 with a commercial and administrative function, was one of the first two-story buildings in the neighborhood. The construction was commissioned by the Southern Vas District Savings Bank, which commissioned the design from the Hungarian architect . The Slovene partisan and national hero, Dane Šumenjak-Miran, who was born on November 11, 1923, spent his youth in this building. In 1941, as an activist, he became a member of a sabotage group and participated in several actions. At the end of June 1942, he was arrested and taken to the in Italy. After the capitulation of Italy, he made his way to the partisans and was soon sent to . In 1944, he went to with a special intelligence mission, and four days after his return he died, besieged in some vineyard for treachery.
The design of the floor plan created by László Takáts
A crowned with a covered with red roof tiles is placed on top of the corner of the building, which is built in the Art Nouveau style. The gables that are visible at the same height as the spire, as well as the rest of the facade of the building, are lavishly decorated with all sorts of floral and geometric decorations. The corner of the building is determined not only by ornamental bees but also by a , which is secured by a stone balustrade with incorporated . The entrance on the western side of the building is covered with a small that's incorporated with the two columns that flank the entrance.
The building is shown in an old postcard from 1913