bg Murska Sobota

Szapáry Castle

- Trubarjev Drevored 4 -
The first mention of a castle on this place dates back from 1255 and its real existence is confirmed by a charter from 1478 which mentions it as castellum in Belmwra. At the beginning of the 17th century, 's troops burned the city, including the castle. The castle building was rebuilt between 1648 and 1655 by with masters from Reged, nowadays . At the end of the 17th century, the Hungarian Szápáry family became the owner of the castle, which was owned by Peter Szápáry in 1687.
Peter Szápáry
Peter Szápáry's two sons achieved the title of count in 1722, and in the first half of the 18th century, they were the ones who added a Baroque character to the castle by beautifying its interior and exterior appearance. In 1934, the last owner of the Szápáry family, László Szápáry, sold the castle at an auction to the municipality of Sobos. During the , the Hungarian occupation force was based in the castle. After the war, the castle gained cultural significance, the Pomur Museum of Murska Sobota, the Youth and Cultural Club, and the Grajski Hram guest house settled in it.
The great salon somewhere between 1895 and 1899
The building, which features a total of four , contains a chapel on the western side, which is topped with a lantern tower that's crowned with a . The top gable on the northern side of the building is topped with a pointed and decorated with , decorative vases, and that are crowned with an Ionic adorned with a . In addition, the gable also features a clock, as well as an , which is embellished with four . The pilasters that are located in the part of the building are crowned with a Romanesque capital. A is placed above the windows in this part, and above some of them you can see an additional segmental pediment, and underneath some of these windows, you can see an iron . The entrance on the eastern side is topped with a balcony, which is supported by two and secured with a stone balustrade that contains various amounts of .
An old colorized postcard from around 1913 that shows the building