bg Sofia

Todor Mitov House

- Hristo Belchev Street 24 -
The construction of the residential building took place somewhere between 1912 and 1915 and was built by a design of the Bulgarian architect . The building was built for the Bulgarian officer Todor Zafirov Mitov, who was born on September 19, 1865, in , in the family of Hadji Zafir Hadjimitov. In 1885, he graduated from the Military School of His Princely Highness in Sofia, and on August 30 he was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant. During the , he participated in the battles at and as a company commander in the second infantry regiment. In 1892, he studied at the General Staff Academy in and one year later he studied at the General Staff Academy in where he graduated in 1896.
Todor Zafirov Mitov
Between 1912 and 1913, as a colonel, he also participated in the and the . In the short pause between the wars, he was the commander of the Sixth Infantry Division in and the head of the Department of Military Educational Institutions at the army headquarters. During the war, he was the head of the Eighth Tunjan Infantry Division as part of the First Bulgarian Army, he fought on the Macedonian front near , , , and the bend of the Cherna river. Major General Todor Zafirov Mitov died in 1951 at the age of 85.
Todor Mitov and other officers in front of the Saint Naum Monastery on the shore of Lake Ohrid in 1916
The most striking part of the building, which is built in the style of Eclectic with some Neo-Baroque elements, is the round-shaped . The oriel window contains a little and the that are placed in the stone balustrade that secured the loggia are tapered. On the bottom of the oriel window, you can admire a , which is adorned with a decorative shell and surrounded by beautiful floral ornamentation. The building also contains many geometric shapes, including that either contain four or eight , as well as parts that are decorated with the technique of .
An old photo showing the building