bg Sofia

Boris Razsolkov House

- Solunska Street 27 -
The residential building was built at the same time as the house of Vasil Razsolkov. It was also designed by the Bulgarian architect and has the same construction year, 1914. It was built for Vasil Razsolkov's second eldest son, cardiologist Doctor Boris Razsolkov. Boris Razsolkov was one of the five doctors that treated Tsar after his return from Berlin, but they couldn't help that he died of apparent heart failure. He also treated many other people from Sofia and the countryside, which he did until his death in 1980. His life's work was taken over by his nephew and his wife.
A view on the eastern side of the building in the 1970s
Many of the decorations that you saw at the previous building are also present on this building. It contains the same gable, but this time it's placed on the right side of the facade instead of the center, and the on the eastern side of the building is curved in the middle. There are two balconies placed on the right side of the avant-corps, which are secured with the same wrought iron railing as the previous building, but in this case, they are missing the supportive . On the southern side of the building, two more balconies can be admired.
A close up of the gable