bg Sofia

Iliev Family House

- Uzundzhovska Street 11 -
The construction of the residential building started in 1912 and was completed in 1913 and was constructed according to a design that was created by the Bulgarian architect . It was built for the merchant Iliev and his family. A huge part of the wall on the southern facade was pale pink before the renovation but now is colored in beige.
The building before the renovation
The building was built in the styles of Eclectic and Art Nouveau. The building's most striking feature is the octagonal on the corner of the house with a pointed on top of it. The turret contains beautiful square fragments that are framed with garlands. Also, the beautifully decorated spiky top gable should not go unnoticed. It's decorated with a and floral ornamentation of the Carduus plant. Another cartouche can be seen in the pointed above the window on the second floor. The pediment is supported by two , which are embellished with garlands and . Another framed fragment, this time slightly wider, can be admired between the second and third floor windows. Underneath one of the windows on the second floor, you'll be able to see a fragment, which is adorned with four . On the eastern side of the building, above the main entrance, you can see two balconies, which are both secured with a wrought iron railing.
The building in the 1970s