bg Arad

Greek-Catholic Archdiocese

- Strada Mihai Eminescu 6 -
The four-story building, which was built for religious, commercial, and administrative purposes, was built in 1897 with the help of the funds collected by the Greek-Catholic community in the city of Arad. Later, it became the headquarters of the parish of the Greek-Catholic Church of Arad. After the of 1700, the first Greek-Catholic communities also appeared in the Banat region. Their number grew strongly in the years between 1831 and 1851 so the need to establish a Diocese in that area was felt. In response to this enthusiasm of the Romanians from Banat, , founded the Diocese of Lugoj on November 26, 1853. The Diocese stretches over the counties Caraş-Severin, Timiş, Arad, Hunedoara, and over a part of Alba county. The first bishop of Lugoj was as he was confirmed as a bishop by Pope Pius IX on November 17, 1854. The Romanian Church United with Rome, Greek-Catholic, did not escape the cruel persecution from the atheist-communist leadership installed in power in Romania after the . After 1989, one of the first normative acts of the new power was to repeal the decree of 1948 regarding the situation of the former Greek-Catholic cult, by which the Greek-Catholic Romanian Church United with Rome was outlawed.
An old postcard in which the building is visible
The two of the Eclectic building are supported by a large , which in its turn is supported by four smaller corbels. The building features several windows and even more windows, of which some of the latter are flanked by columns. The part of above the columns, as well as the sides of the oriel windows, are embellished with . In the central part, of which the top gable is also a part of, you can see two . In addition, the building also contains many geometric forms that are present in large numbers around the arched carriage passage.
An old photo that shows the building in the distance