bg Varazdin

Croatian National Theater

- Ulica Augusta Cesarca 1 -
The multi-story building, which was constructed for cultural purposes, was built in 1873 according to the project of the German architect . According to the requirements of the competition, Helmer designed a building under the roof, which, in addition to the theater, the building will also have a concert hall, a restaurant, a cafe, rooms for a reading room, and several apartments. The building, which opened its doors to the public on September 25, 1873, was built to house the Croatian National Theater. The first theater performances in Varaždin were organized in the Jesuit gymnasium at the beginning of the 17th century, and public theater performances were held intermittently from 1788 to 1873 in various places.
The building is shown in an old postcard
The first Croatian professional ensemble was founded in 1898, and from 1898 to 1915, the theater was managed by the then-famous philologist and literary historian Ivan Mičetić. The permanent city theater was founded in 1915, in addition to drama, opera, and operetta were performed, and for the first seven seasons the director was , who was a composer, conductor, and director, and later the founder of the Opera. The permanent theater was maintained until 1925, then, until the , theater seasons were held by the theater in , which Varaždin considers its second headquarters. From 1942 until 1945, the Society of Croatian Theater Volunteers operated in the theater, which was also subsidized by the state. Since 1945, a permanent theater has been operating continuously.
The back of the building is shown in an old postcard
The top of the front of the Neo-Renaissance building is determined by a , which like the roof , is embellished with adorned with foliage. Around the same height, but on the back of the building, there are two segmental , which are crowned with a and feature a lovely decorative bird. On this same side, above the , you can see surrounded by acanthus foliage, but also loads of garland wreaths, , and lion head , which are used elsewhere as well. The , which are placed above a large amount of circle-top windows, are also adorned with acanthus foliage. The underneath some of these windows are incorporated with and in some, they are supported by two . Some of the windows are flanked by that are crowned with a Doric , while some of the other windows are flanked by . The four statues on the back of the building representing figures of Greek mythology, including two . On the front of the building, you can see four vacant , which are topped with a keystone.
An old etch that depicts the building