bg Sofia

Anton Lopatarev House

- Neofit Rilski Street 68 -
The residential and commercial building was built in 1915 and the design of the building came from the Bulgarian architect . The building was built for the Bulgarian builder and donor Anton Lopatarev. He was born in 1861 into a wealthy family in the nitrogen village of . His mother's first husband, Apostol Renzov, was brutally murdered by the Turks. His father died early in his life, so Anton started working at a young age and couldn't go to school. He works as a builder in Siarsko and Dramsko. In 1878, just after the , he settled in the capital of , , and later in the Principality of Sofia, where he entered the service of the Ministry of Justice.

At the outbreak of the in 1885 he was a volunteer in the Ninth Volunteer Company and participated in the . In 1888 he got married to Zaharia Klisarova and started working for his brother-in-law Hristo Babinov, a famous Sofia merchant. During the , on November 15, 1915, after the Bulgarian army entered , Lopatarev donated BGN 10,000 to the Ministry of National Education to form a fund. The fund must support a young person from Krushevo until he receives secondary and higher education, who will then work in Krushevo for as many years as he was supported.
An old photo of the building created in the 1970s
The beautiful beige building is built in the style of Eclectic and Art Nouveau. The , which is located on the northeastern corner of the building, is supported by two vase-like shaped . The above the corbels, as well as the cornice above the windows on the second floor, are decorated with an motif. Around and above the windows on the first floor, as well as in the on the second floor, you can admire some beautiful floral ornamentation. The corbels underneath the central window on the first floor contain two each.

The located on the northern side of the building has a small balcony on top of it, which is secured with a wrought iron railing. The huge corbel underneath the oriel window contains a relief, which is adorned with garlands. On each side of the corbel, you'll be able to see a , which is decorated with bay leaves and . The fragment underneath the window is decorated with a of a sunflower. The door which leads to the balcony is flanked by two that are decorated with garlands. Only the roof cornice on the northern side of the building has a strip of placed underneath it. The railing of the stairs that lead up to the entrance on the eastern side of the building, as well as the that covers it, is made out of wrought iron.
Beautiful decorations underneath the oriel window