bg Zilina

Ľudovít Fulla House

- Kuzmányho 18 -
The two-story residential building, which was built somewhere at the beginning of the 20th century, was inhabited by the Slovak painter, graphic artist, illustrator, stage designer, and art teacher, Ľudovít Fulla, who lived and worked here from 1956 until 1962. He was born in on February 27, 1902, and from an early age, he was fascinated by painting and drawing. After the grammar school in Ružomberok, in 1918, he went to the Higher Business School in , and from 1921, he attended 's private painting school in for one year. In 1922, he went to study in at the School of Arts and Crafts. During his studies, he met , who was seven years older than him, and friendship and long-term cooperation arose between them. After his studies in 1927, he returned to Slovakia, and immediately after his return, he started working as a drawing teacher at a townhouse in , later continuing in .
Ľudovít Fulla in 1933
In 1943, Fulla moved to , but in 1949 he returned to Bratislava, where he worked as the head of the monumental decorative painting department of the College of Fine Arts until 1952. In Žilina, the painter set up a small private gallery in his house. In 1962, after the death of his first wife, he moved to his sisters in Ružomberok. In 1969, the state built the Ľudovít Fulla Gallery in Ružomberok for him on his grandfather's land. It was a gift for the artist's lifetime work, and at the same time, it was to become a museum of the works that the painter donated to the state. The national artist lived and created in this building for ten years. Ľudovít Fulla died on April 21, 1980, in Bratislava, and is buried in his native Ružomberok.
Ľudovít Fulla working on one of his works
On top of the part of the Eclectic building, you can see , garlands, and a circular framed window, of which the frame is adorned with a and floral decorations. Underneath certain parts of the roof , you'll be able to see various , which are decorated with foliage. Certain parts of the , located on the first and second floors, are decorated with . The ornamentation above the second floor windows consists of , garlands, , and , the latter of which are also placed on top of the first floor windows, one of which is adorned with a . The second floor also features several with incorporated , as well as a balcony secured with a wrought iron railing and supported by two corbels adorned with acanthus foliage.
A few of Fulla's works shown in an old photo