bg Sofia

Maria Kanazirska House

- Malyovitsa Street 6 -
The construction of the house began in 1922 and was finished within that same year. The building was built for Dr. Maria Kanazirska her grandparents. They moved from to Sofia to be with their son, who had wanted to become a doctor since he was a child. This is a reason for them to sell what they had in Plovdiv and buy the land in Sofia. Her grandfather bought the place in 1921, which at that time was the end of Sofia because the border at that time was the Perlovska River. The first floor was rented out, and the family lived on the upper floors. In 1983 they left their homeland and went to America. In 1996 the building was returned to the family and Maria Kanazirska took action for the complete restoration of the property and the return of its splendor state, in which it is today.
Maria Kanazirska and part of the interior of the building
The building was built in the Art Nouveau and Eclectic style. The impressive , on the southwest corner of the building, has an octagonal dome on top of it. The turret, just like the rest of the building contains en geometric shapes. Underneath the turret, you can admire a beautiful , which is placed in the center of a . Around the entire building, you'll be able to see , which are crowned with a that contains floral and circular forms. These same forms can be seen in the fragments between the second and third floors. The two huge balconies on the southwestern side of the building, are placed between the turret and the . The cast-iron balcony railings also contain some geometric shapes. The corners of the oriel window are decorated with vertical , which are adorned with floral ornamentation. The bottom of the oriel window is embellished with a festoon and above it, you'll be able to see a cartouche.
An old photo from the 1970s