bg Sofia

Mitsev Family House

- Graf Ignatiev Street 31 -
In 1905, the Macedonian architect Mitsev, built a romantic house for his large family to live in. Mitsev was also a construction entrepreneur and a settler from . He later built more modern buildings, with characteristic rounded corners and with rows of windows facing both converging streets. He has shown his skills in working with wood in the interior and glazing of the Court House.
The building in the 1940s after the bombardment of Sofia
The building, which is built in the style of Art Nouveau, contains four . Two of which are located on the southern and eastern sides of the building. The other two can be seen on the corners and are placed at a 45-degree angle, relative to the main facades. Each of the oriel windows has a set of supportive underneath them, but the ones on the corner differ from the other two. A small balcony is placed on top of each oriel window, which is secured with a wrought iron railing. Just below the railing, you'll see some decorative . The are quiet simple in design. The impressive gypsum floral ornamentation and the motif underneath the beautiful wooden roof structure really complete the building.
An old photo from the 1970s