bg Sofia

Villa Petko Momchilov

- Tsar Boris III Boulevard 166 -
The construction of the three story building, which was built with the sole purpose the become a residential building, was completed in 1911. Sources who had it built very a lot, with some saying it was built by Bulgarian architect , according to his design to use as a summer residence. Other sources state that it was built by Alexander Vilarov and that the design was commissioned to Petko Momchilov, and that the house was sold in 1916. After the sale, the building would have been expanded with, among other things, an extra floor, which was designed by an Italian architect. Anyway, the building can still be admired today by anyone visiting the Pavlovo neighborhood.
Petko Ivanov Momchilov
The most eye-catching feature of the building, which is built in the styles of Neo-Byzantine, Art Nouveau, and Eclectic, is the huge unusually shaped dormer on the southern side of the building. This dormer contains an impressive mushroom-shaped window and is crowned with , as well as a . A is placed on the northwestern corner, which is topped with a roof, which is crowned with yet another finial. Each roof contains a roof overhang, which in all cases is supported by many wooden . The that covers the main entrance is supported by four pillars and two , and secured with a wrought iron railing, which is also the case for the banister that secured the stairs that leads to this entrance. The railings are lavishly decorated with loads of foliage and even more . The frames that can be seen on top of some windows are embellished with square shapes and six . On the walls of the facades, beautiful use is made of strips of bricks alternating with strips treated with plaster.
The building visible in an old photograph