bg Sofia

House Ulitsa Tsar Simeon 52

- Tsar Simeon Street 52 -
The orange colored residential building, located on Tsar Simeon Street 52, was built in 1910 and was most likely built as an income building. It is not known for whom and by whose project but the author may be one of the great Bulgarian masters of Art Nouveau.
The beautiful corbels underneath the balcony
The two balconies on the south side of the building really stand out. They are supported by three richly decorated and secured with a wrought iron railing. The corbels are decorated with garlands, , foliage, and lion head . The of the small circular window on the top of the building is embellished with four . The fragments between the third and second floor are adorned with a richly decorated .

The vertical white columns stand out against the soft orange hue of the building. The top of each of these white columns is adorned with a cartouche, which has a garland hanging underneath it. On the second floor, you can see a , and on the first floor a . Above each window, on the third floor, you can see a with an motif. The top of the window frame on the first floor contains two acanthus foliage, which both grow out of a volute. Both sides of the window frame contain one gutta each.

The main entrance door, which is located on the east side of the building, is covered with a beautifully decorated .
The awning above the main entrance door