bg Varna

Khachadur Papazyan House

- Maria Luisa Boulevard 46 -
The residential and commercial building was built for the needs of the Armenian jeweler Khachadur Papazyan and his family. It was designed by the Bulgarian architect and its construction was completed in 1922. Later it was rebuilt and upgraded according to the project of the architect . The result of the work of the two masters is truly stunning.
Archival drawing of the building created in 1922
The Art Nouveau building features a beautiful round shaped on the northeast corner of the building. The oriel window is decorated with and . A balcony is placed on top of the oriel window, which is secured with a stone balustrade that contains some cast iron work. Around and above the balcony door you'll see two that can be seen in many more places, as well as a cartouche that's surrounded by floral ornaments. The pairs of corbels located on the second floor are flanked by . Above the windows on the first and second floor, you'll be able to see even more cartouches of different shapes and sizes.

On the northern side of the building, above the main entrance door, you can see two balconies. One of them is supported by four corbels, while the other doesn't have any supportive corbels. One of the balustrades contains , while the other contains the same cast iron work that's also used in the balustrade on top of the oriel window. Above the main entrance door, there's an oval shaped window and above this window, you can see a decorative shell that's surrounded by foliage. The main entrance door is wood carved and contains beautifully decorated wrought iron barred windows.
The beautiful round shaped oriel window in 1980